
A+ Virgin Valley Precious Opal Petrified Wood Log Nevada 9.7 carats

Virgin Valley Precious Opal Petrified Wood Log Nevada 70.1 carats! Virgin Valley Precious Opal Petrified Wood Log Nevada 9.7 carats! 9.7 carats with Precious Opal. Opalized, Petrified Wood from Virgin Valley. A true collectors dream. This is shown wet. It’s an awesome specimen. This is a rare specimen of petrified, fossilized, opalized wood from the […]


Rare Fossil Spruce Cone Mid Miocene Pinecone Petrified Wood Virgin Valley Nevada

This is a very rare and super cool natural matrix display which exhibits one fossil Spruce Cone sometimes referred to as fossil Pinecone with two small pieces of petrified wood showing on the back which was hand dug in the Virgin Valley of Nevada. This Mid Miocene fossil specimen was hand dug and carved out […]


RareSpruce Trinity mountains, Churchill County, Nevada Polished Petrified Wood

Trinity mountains, Churchill County, Nevada. Limb section from a branch from off the side of the only tree of this ever found which was buried standing vertical underground. This was collected, polished, and acquired from Phil Johnson who found this tree that is very very rare especially since alot has already been put into collections. […]


Rare Polished Petrified Wood Tree Limb 4lbs 5oz Specimen Virgin Valley, Nevada

This is a natural 14 million year old petrified wood preserved tree limb specimen with broken branch protrusions which was collected from Virgin Valley, Nevada and has one end cut and polished to show the growth patterns. There is a small naturally indented spot in on the polished face which being lower then the surrounding […]


Rare Fossil Spruce Cone Mid Miocene Pinecone Petrified Wood Virgin Valley Nevada

This is a very rare and super cool natural matrix display which exhibits one partial fossil Spruce Cone sometimes referred to as a fossil Pinecone with a piece of petrified wood which was hand dug in the Virgin Valley of Nevada. This Mid Miocene fossil specimen was hand dug and carved out of the matrix […]