
SiS 11 BURMESE Petrified Palm Wood Specimen Slab with MICRO-GEODES! -Palmoxylon

This is a particularly interesting and virtually perfect slab cut from one of the prettiest and most unique of the petrified palm logs we imported recently from Myanmar. When you hold this highly polished slab in your hands the slabs sparkles no matter what the light source available is. This was very puzzling until I […]


SiS 11 BURMESE Petrified Palm Wood Specimen Slab with MICRO-GEODES! -Palmoxylon

This is a particularly interesting and virtually perfect slab cut from one of the prettiest and most unique of the petrified palm logs we imported recently from Myanmar. When you hold this highly polished slab in your hands the slabs sparkles no matter what the light source available is. This was very puzzling until I […]


SiS 11 BURMESE Petrified Palm Wood Specimen Slab with MICRO-GEODES! -Palmoxylon

This is a particularly interesting and virtually perfect slab cut from one of the prettiest and most unique of the petrified palm logs we imported recently from Myanmar. When you hold this highly polished slab in your hands the slabs sparkles no matter what the light source available is. This was very puzzling until I […]


SiS 11 lb. BURMESE Petrified Palm Wood Log Fossil Palmoxylon from Myanmar

This beautiful petrified log display specimen is cut from one of the best preserved of the petrified palm logs we imported recently from Myanmar. In the past we’ve offered palm specimens from Texas, Louisiana, Indonesia and Wyoming, but this is the best batch of petrified palm logs we’ve ever had the pleasure of cutting! We […]

SiS 23 BURMESE Petrified Palm Wood Sculpture Myanmar Fossil Palmoxylon Art

This is one of the most unique, truly one of a kind natural sculptures in petrified wood you’re ever going to see! This is a large section from a heavily weathered petrified palm tree that was carefully hand carved into this remarkable 3-D sculpture! It’s 100% natural petrified palm in a very striking, highly polished […]