This is a natural petrified wood preserved 14 million year old tree limb specimen which was collected from Virgin Valley, Nevada and has one end cut and has a soft polish to show the growth ring patterns although the polish is more dull then it is glassy. This specimen has A LOT of character with a small knot, three bug bore holes and amazing wood texture. This Virgin Valley limb specimen is very rare since it is naturally stable (has not been treated to stabilize it) and was able to take a dull polish. Most petrified wood specimens from this location tend to be lighter weight, less dense, very fragile and are not able to take a polish at all. This petrified wood specimen measures 5 1/2 inches long by 4 inches wide and weighs 3 pounds and 15 ounces. This Virgin Valley petrified wood specimen would be an excellent addition to any rock and mineral collection.